
Sunday, June 22, 2014


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Task 1 : Accept the award , post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and her blog link.

Saya dapat award ni dari adik Salmie dari a-big-girl , thanks ye dik seronoknya akak dapat award lagi...temakasih ye...

Seronok juga dapat award ni dan lepas tu bagi pulak award to pada kawan-kawan lain...

Task2 : Past the award to 7 other blogs.Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen fot this award.

Saya pilih 7 orang kawan-kawan baru dan kakak-kakak saya :

1).Kak Amy Doblinger

2) Kak Tie a.k.a Cupcakekasih

3) Fawa

4) Adik blogresepi

5) Edi - adorablecupcake

6) Kak Inahar

7) Nisa

Ok tu je , happy blogging and happy cooking....sedapnya....


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